Bay leaves is the main ingredient in spices in everyone's kitchen. This not only enhances the flavor of the food, but by making its decoction, drinking it gives you relief in many health problems as well.

Copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium and iron are present in plenty in bay leaves. There are many types of antioxidants in it, which also help to protect against many serious diseases related to cancer, blood clotting and heart.

Come, let us know how to make a decoction of bay leaves -

* You prepare a mixture by grinding 10 grams of bay leaves, 10 grams of parsley and 5 grams of fennel together. Now put this mixture in 1 liter of water and boil it well. When the water remains 100-150 ml after boiling, turn off the gas. After some time, when the mixture cools down, your decoction is ready to drink.

Come, know the benefits of drinking a decoction of bay leaves -

1 If someone has been suffering from back pain for a long time, then drinking this decoction provides quick relief. If you want, you can also gargle with bay leaf oil at the waist.

2 It also helps in removing physical pain caused by cold wave.

3 If a sprain has occurred, decoction of bay leaves is helpful in relieving swelling and pain. If you want, you can also grind the bay leaves and apply it on the painful area, it also gives relief.

4 If the veins are swollen or the veins stretch, the decoction of bay leaves gives relief.