You must have always heard that if you want to take knowledge of something, then full knowledge should be taken because half incomplete knowledge is never beneficial. In the same way, many such things have been told in Ayurveda, people who do not fully know about them and they are not able to take full advantage of Ayurvedic things.

Today we are going to tell you in today's article that no one has told you about such a plant till date. It is not a minor plant, but a plant about which if you have full knowledge, then you can completely eliminate 37 types of diseases. The name of this beneficial plant is Atibala. Let us know in which diseases you can use this plant in which way.

Frequent urination

If you take the powder of bark of the root of Atibala with sugar, it can get rid of frequent urination.


If you make a decoction of Atibala leaves and rinse it 3 to 4 times a day, then using this daily ends the swelling of gums and loosening of gums.

Wet cough

Make a decoction by taking equal amount of Kantakari, Brihati, Vasa leaves and grapes with Atibala. Mixing 14 to 28 millimeters of it with 5 grams of sugar and taking it twice a day cures wet cough completely.


Mixing leaves of Atibala (comb) in native ghee and drinking it twice a day is beneficial in diarrhea.

Bleeding with urine

Taking 40 ml decoction of the root of Atibala in the morning and evening stops bleeding of urine completely.


Boil the leaves of atibala in water and make a good decoction of it. Drink appropriate amount of palm jaggery in this decoction. It provides excellent benefit in piles.

Stomach ache

Drinking water mixed with molasses, kateri, lacquer and dry ginger with excessive bile will provide great benefit in stomach pain caused by bile.


Taking a decoction of the leaves or root of Atibala leaves gonorrhea (gonorrhea) disease completely. Take 40 ml this decoction in the morning and evening. If you take 4 to 8 grams of its seeds daily then there is a lot of benefit.

Make the body strong

If there is weakness in the body, eating the seeds of Atibala and eating it greatly increases the strength of the body.