We use many types of grains in our diet like rice, maize etc. But apart from these grains, there are many such grains which are full of nutrients but which we do not include in our daily meals. One such grain is millet.

Let us tell you about the benefits of some millet. Millet can be eaten in any season, but it is very effective in the winter season. Consuming millet makes the body warm, which prevents cold. We can use Bajra in any form of roti or Bajra Khichdi. Many elements like magnesium, kalasiu, phosphorus, fiber are found in millet. Let's know its benefits -

1 Weight control - Millet is very beneficial for those who want to lose weight. By consuming millet, the stomach remains full for a long time, which does not cause hunger for a long time. Our body gets a lot of energy from millet.

2 Keep the heart strong - Millet is full of elements like magnesium and potassium, which keeps our blood pressure under control. Cholesterol is also controlled by its intake, which does not cause heart problems.

3 Relief from constipation - Millet strengthens our digestive system as it is a fiber-rich grain. Constipation does not remain due to its consumption.

4 bones strong - Calcium is found in plenty in millet. It is very beneficial for bones. By its use, bones are strengthened and get rid of diseases of bones.

5 Reduce blood loss - Iron is also found in excessive quantity in millet. It does not cause diseases like anemia. Millet polenta and roti are very beneficial for pregnant women too. Due to its intake, there is no deficiency of iron and calcium in the body.