Along with girls, boys are also paying great attention to their beauty. They also want their look to look beautiful and make their look great. For this, they also take many measures. Boys also want to make their skin fair and beautiful.

The skin of boys is more firm than that of girls. Due to which the face glow also reduces. In such a situation, if you want to make your face look soft and beautiful, then you have to adopt some tips about which we are going to tell. There are some different beauty tips for boys' hard skin, which you may not be aware of.

Beauty Tips for Boys Hard Skin

* To improve your face, mix gram flour and curd three times a week and apply it on your face. By doing this, the color of your face will start to clear gradually.

* To improve skin toughness, apply lemon and honey on your face. After 10 minutes wash your face with clean water. Using this face pack will give a natural glow to your face.

* Apply aloe vera gel on your face before sleeping at night. Aloe vera is rich in antioxidant properties. Which are helpful in killing dead skin on your skin.

* Mix a little lemon juice in tomato juice and apply it on your face. After half an hour wash your face with lukewarm water. Doing this will improve your face.