To donate blood, you have to take care of a few things. If you do not fall in that line then you are not allowed to donate blood. With this, some people have so many misconceptions about donating blood that they simply refuse. He believes that donating blood will cause him dizziness or fainting and weakness, but his thinking is totally wrong. Rather, blood donation also benefits your health. As far as weakness is concerned, in some cases it is due to this that due to this, an age limit has been set for donating blood, due to which you can donate blood. But if you donate blood, then it is very important for you to know some things. You also know those things.

* If you are taking any medicine, please inform it before donating blood.

* Before donating blood, eat light food and drink plenty of water a day before.

* Take special care of whether new disposable needles and new kits are being used for you or not.

Keep these things in mind after donating blood

* Immediately after doing blood donation, avoid going in strong sunlight and stay away from crowded places.

* Should not do car driving, bike or any other risky work 2-3 hours after donating blood.