Introduction of Shatavari (Introduction of asparagus)

Very few people have heard of Shatavari (asparagus), so very few people use asparagus. Do you know what sonavari is, how it is used, where it is found, and what the benefits of sonavari can be?

Asparagus has been described in Ayurveda as a very beneficial herb. You can use hundreds of times for the prevention, or treatment of many diseases. If you are not aware of the benefits of Shankari, then we tell.

What is Sonvari? (What is Shatavari in Hindi?)

Asparagus is an herb in the form of Shatavari vine or Jhad (Asparagus plant). Its creeper is protruding, and shrubby. There are at least 100, more roots under each vine. These roots are about 30–100 cm long, and are 1-2 cm long. Both ends of the type are pointed.

Above these colors, brown, thin peel remains. By removing this peel, white roots like milk are produced inside. There is a hard fiber between these wires, which can be pulled only when wet and dry.

According to Patanjali, it is used in the treatment of many diseases. There are two types of shawari, which are: -

Virlakand Sattvar (a Sparagus philicinus-Ham ex. D. Done)

Its tubers are small, fleshy, puffed and bunched. Its decoction is consumed by making a decoction.

Kuntapatra Sattvar (Asparagus Gonoclados Baker)

It is a shrubby plant. Its tubers are short, and thick. Its flowers are white in color, and the fruits are round. In the raw state, the fruits turn green, and on ripening become red. Its tubers are smaller than sattvara.

Names of asparagus in other languages ​​(Asparagus is called in different languages)

Satwari (Satwari) is known by many names throughout the world which are: -

Shatavari -

Shatavari or Shatavari in Hindi means in Hindi - Satwar, Satwari, Sattuli, Satwari, Sarnoi

Asparagus in English - Wild asparagus (Yield asparagus)

Asparagus in Sanskrit- Asparagus, Shatapadi, Shatamuli, Mahashita, Narayani, Ksakshakshini, Pewri, Microcapital, Adhyasa, Bhiru, Narayani, Bahututa, Bahiratra, Samanamakam, Jalev Asparagus (native asparagus)

Asparagus in Urdu - Satavara (Satvara)

Asparagus in Oriya - Chhotataru (Chhotaru), Mohanoule (Mohanol)

Asparagus in Gujarati - Eklakanta (Eklakanta), Satwari (Asparagus)

Shatavari in Tamil or Shatavari in Tamil means Kilavari (Kilavari), Paninikku (Paniyinakku)

Asparagus in Telugu or Asparagus in Telugu- Challagadda (Cholagadda), Ettavaludutigi (Etavalludutige);

Asparagus in Bengali- Shatmuli (Shatmuli), Sattamuli (Sattamuli)

Asparagus in Punjab- Bojsangdon (Bojdan); Boznan (Bozidan)

Asparagus in Marathi- Well (Aswell), Satwari (Asparagus)

Asparagus in Malayalam - Shatavari (Asparagus), Satavali (Asparagus)

Asparagus in Nepali - Satamuli (Satmuli), Kurillo (Kurillo)

Asparagus in Arabic

Asparagus-shakul in Persian

Benefits of Shatavari (advantages and uses of asparagus)

Satwari has been used in different ways for many years. To avail the benefits of Shavadi, you must have knowledge of the Ayurvedic properties of Sauvari, Karma, methods of use, quantity of use, and processing, which are: -

Use of sonwari in insomnia (sleep disturbance) disease (Shatavari Benefits in Insomnia)

Many people have trouble sleeping. Such people cook 2-4 grams of century powder in milk. Eating ghee mixed with it ends the problem of sleeplessness. It means to say that hundreds of years of powder are very beneficial in insomnia.

Use of sauvari beneficial for pregnant women (Using Shatavari is beneficial for pregnant women in Hindi)

The benefits of Satwari prove to be very beneficial for pregnant women. Pregnant women should take asparagus, dry ginger, ajagandha, mulathi and bhringraj in equal quantity and make their powder. Drink 1-2 grams of it with goat milk. This keeps the fetus healthy.